Anxiety is a beast to tackle on its own. Add in a significant other, and you have a recipe for disaster. Anxiety loves to latch onto relationships, and convince you that something is “off.” As fears and unfounded concerns overwhelm...
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264 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Depression is more than just sadness. There are specific symptoms that hinder a person’s capacity to function for an extended period of time. Here are some hidden signs that you might be suffering...
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Society tells us how we should feel about special occasions such as milestones, birthdays, weddings, holidays, and anniversaries. We should be leaping to the skies, overjoyed with happiness! After all, these things are meant for celebrating, right? Sometimes, we can...
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“Am I enough?” “Do they love me?” “When will they call me back?” “What if they leave me for their ex?” For those who suffer from relationship anxiety, obsessive thoughts can prove detrimental to your mental health, and the health...
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We live in a world where people are trained to judge. Sometimes, we judge ourselves too, with a hyper-critical eye. I often find myself caught in this never-ending loop, especially in social situations. Some self-critical statements that trouble my mind...
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