The eyes are all around me, peering down from balconies, out windows, from the community Pool. My heart races, the speed ramping up with each inhale I take. Do they think I am weak? Do they think I am ugly?...
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I wanted to go to therapy when I was only sixteen years old. I was struggling through my first heartbreak and did not know how to handle it. My friends and family were irritated that I remained heartbroken over a...
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If you have to ask yourself this question a lot, the answer is (most likely) yes. To be honest, I did not think I suffered from anxiety. I have always been a very positive and peaceful person. I embraced life...
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You have so many relationships in your life – your family, your significant others, and your friends. In my life, I have little motivation to maintain friendships these days. I haven't had great experiences with friends as a child or...
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Anxiety can be triggered in high-stress situations that produce a sense of uncertainty. When anxiety sets in, a fight-or-flight response occurs, resulting in behavioral changes. It's common for people with anxiety to avoid situations that provoke high-stress or uneasiness. Whether...
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