It’s a record stuck on repeat. You see the signs wherever you go: that park you had your first date, your fav yogurt shop…the list goes on. As “what-ifs” flood your mind, you wonder how things may have turned out...
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The Miley Stewart Summer has recently taken the internet by storm, and people are loving it! If you aren’t familiar with the trending tag of a “Miley Stewart Summer,” let me give you a brief explanation. Recently on Tik Tok,...
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As I sit down to write this article, Taylor Swift’s voice rings in my head: “We were both young when I first saw you.” She perfectly captures what it is to be young and in love. But what happens after...
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If you’re reading this, you’re either going through or have gone through a really bad break up. First of all, I am so sorry for the pain, but I am so excited for your future. I saw a post once...
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1. Working out, 2. Eating right, 3. Sleeping eight hours every night. Just kidding. It took so much more than that. Trying to manage the perfect ideal of health every single day is just setting yourself up for failure. Learning...
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