
The eyes are all around me, peering down from balconies, out windows, from the community Pool. My heart races, the speed ramping up with each inhale I take. Do they think I am weak? Do they think I am ugly?...
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If you’re a writer, you’ve definitely experienced writer’s block. (And if you haven’t’s coming!) It occurs when your creative juices cease to flow, and you simply can’t produce any (good) writing. Writers suffer through this during certain stages of...
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I wanted to go to therapy when I was only sixteen years old. I was struggling through my first heartbreak and did not know how to handle it. My friends and family were irritated that I remained heartbroken over a...
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We’ve all been there: the sleepless nights, the pounding headaches. You simply wouldn’t survive another demand on your precious time, another person who requires your emotional support. You struggle to simply care for your own needs, while the weight of...
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