
Ready to shake up your Saturday night and potentially the rest of your life? The New Moon, making its debut on Saturday, January 21, 2023, at 3:52 ES in the sign of Aquarius could do just that. In fact, the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Saturn will all be in the sign of Aquarius this night making for a cosmic cocktail that will amp up your intentions and delivery from the universe in a big way.
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The Midheaven means “middle of the sky” and it marks the zodiac sign that was overhead the moment you were born. If you’re feeling lost, your MC can help you figure out your purpose, providing clues about your natural gifts & how you contribute to society and the world. It relates to our ambition, indicating HOW your biggest achievements will occur in our lives, how we set goals, and aspire to acheive.

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Astrologers believe that your food has the potential to change your destiny. The right food can bless you with good health, prosperity and a long life. 

Food is directly related to the planets and so it’s believed that if you want to keep your ruling planet happy, then you eat thoughtfully. That’s how you get the rewards. Vedic astrology, which is what we're delving into today, tells us what foods to eat to change our destiny forever. So according to what you eat, your planet gets the power. 

Go listen to our astrology podcast The Vicious Virgos!

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