7 Ways To Show Yourself LOVE

Your mind-body relationship is an enduring connection, which will last you the entirety of your life. The body provides strength, movement, and agility; it adapts to new environments and protects you from the elements. It is an essential medium for human connection; a fighter, a survivor, and a creator. The obstacles your body has overcome, the tears and laughter you’ve endured, all reflect the dynamic, reciprocal dialogue between mind and heart. As you continue facing novel situations and embracing new environments, it’s essential to take a moment, and show yourself some TLC. After all you’ve gone through, you definitely deserve it!
1. Spa Day
Nothing rejuvenates your spirit like an elaborate spa day. I always stock up on face masks, nail polish, exfoliating scrubs, and essential oils for the occasion! Cleansing of the body immediately rejuvenates the mind. Did you know that warm showers and baths are clinically proven to reduce anxiety levels? I recommend immersing yourself in a bath bomb paradise, especially if you’ve been feeling mentally strained.
2. Spend time in nature
All those pastoral poems about redwoods and oceans were written for a reason. Nature infuses life into the body and soul. So go on a hike, hit the beach, or take a walk by a lake! I promise, you’ll feel so refreshed after absorbing some sunlight.
3. Journaling
Journaling effectively transposes your inner turmoil onto a page. It’s a release for your mind, allowing pent up energy and emotions to drain away. Journaling is an ideal way to empower your personal growth journey. Looking back on old entries, you can pinpoint pivotal moments in your timeline, which shaped the person you are today.
4. Napping
Napping is no longer reserved just for toddlers. Given the fast pace of our modern world, sometimes you need a nap to rejuvenate your spirits. You aren’t lazy or childish for integrating nap time into your routine; it is an essential form of self-care!
5. Saying “no” to plans
I know my empaths will have a hard time hearing this, but it is absolutely okay to say no to plans. After a long day, socializing can be a formidable task, as your brain transforms into a bowl of jelly. Putting your own health and sanity first is not selfish; I promise your friends will understand. And if they don’t, then maybe it’s time to search for some new pals. Me-time is vital to recharge that battery, so you can put your best foot forward when you enter the world.
6. Online shopping
No, this doesn’t mean buying every item from Urban Outfitters and scrolling Amazon for 6 hours. However, splurging on a cute outfit to boost your self-confidence is completely healthy. You are worthy of gifts and adoration; these acts of kindness help improve your self-esteem. You are not greedy or frivolous for indulging in some new fits; you deserve a bit of fun!
7. Drive while blasting music
This is my personal favorite. I turn up to “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus, and coast down the Pacific Coast Highway for hours on end. Engaging in solitary activities sparks so much joy; you can truly become your own best friend. Especially during social isolation, I have learned to genuinely enjoy spending time with myself. Plus, cruising down the highway with the windows down is such a liberating experience. You can put your hand out the window, vibe with the wind, and just let go.
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