5 Things To Do Instead of Impulsively Cutting Bangs

So, you’re feeling bored and impulsive. You’re done with your hair, your work, your clothes...basically everything. Suddenly, a miraculous cure to this desperate fatigue pops into your mind: Bangs! It will renew your soul, infuse a special spark into your spirit. Foreheads are useless, anyway. Before you grab those kitchen shears, I ask you to take a moment and reflect: Will bangs really solve all your problems? Or will you be stuck with an awkward haircut for the next 2 years? To overcome your hair salon ambition, I’ve compiled a list of 5 things to do instead of cutting bangs.
1) Semi-permanent hair dye
Semi-permanent hair dye is the perfect way to switch things up, and this decision won’t haunt you for years to come! You can transform into a raven-haired Megan Fox, or spice things up with blue or pink.
2) New makeup
Nothing is more exciting than a fresh new eyeshadow palette or blinding highlighter. You can shake up your routine with a bold eyeliner or snatched brow. Have you seen some of these makeup tutorials recently?! Makeup is literally a magic potion.
3) Acrylic nails
Whether you pick up a pair from your local drug store, or go to a salon, acrylic nails will transform you into a powerful businesswomen in a matter of minutes. You’ll spend your days tapping hard surfaces, typing on keyboards, and tickling your arm. If that doesn’t sound like the ideal life, I don’t know what to tell you.
4) Upcycle your clothes
Have you seen those Tik Tok stars who revamp their dreary clothes into high fashion fits? Upcycling clothes is a fun, free, environmentally conscious way of refreshing your style. You’ll feel like a Vogue designer in no time.
5) Journaling
If you are considering cutting your own bangs, you are clearly going through it. I recommend unpacking some of those emotions in a journal. You may discover that you never needed bangs at all- just a hug. Or a brownie.
6) Surprise, there’s a 6th! Just do it.
If after serious contemplation you still find yourself longing for a new haircut, just do it. I mean what do you really have to lose? Hair is hair; it grows back. As 2015 would say: “YOLO”. And you’ll be beautiful no matter what.
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