What I Wish I Knew as a College Freshman

People dancing/partying

Congratulations! It’s been a long time coming, but you’ve survived 12 years of school, one pandemic, and now you’re moving into your first college dorm room! As exciting as this process is, it can definitely be overwhelming with so much to do and figure out. Not to mention the fact that you are now going into a place where you may not know anyone, and that is completely new. If you find yourself scouring the internet for any kind of advice - like I know I did - then look no further! 

One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give you is that you are not alone. Every single other freshman on campus is going through the same rollercoaster of emotions that you are. Just like you, the other people in your class are anxious, excited, and looking to meet new people and make friends. The good news about this is that no one will judge you if you walk up and introduce yourself. On the topic of making friends, one of the easiest ways to do this is by leaving your door open when you’re home! Doing this will allow you to get to know the people in your hall, and you possibly meet your new best friend!

Another great thing about being new on campus is that nobody knows who you are. I know that this can be an intimidating thought, but it really is quite liberating. This allows you to have a completely clean slate, and reinvent yourself (if you so wish). If you were afraid to do your hair a certain way or dress in a specific style in high school, now is a perfect time to test the waters. Don’t be afraid to branch out to activities you’ve never tried before, even if in the past you may not have been interested in them. If you're intrigued by them now, give it a shot!

Another important thing to learn in your first year of college is that it’s okay to say no. There are going to be parties, sports events, activities, and a million interesting clubs. While experiencing new things is important, balance is going to be something critical to your next four years. You can absolutely do everything that you want to and more, but sometimes it’s okay to pass on things. If you know you’ve got a week that’s heavy with assignments and exams, don't be afraid to decline that offer to go out on Friday. I promise that there will be more things happening next week, and that your friends are not going to get mad at you for saying no. 

One of the biggest differences between college and high school is the way that classes work. Professors won’t have the same kind of time to give individual help during class, or answer all of the questions you may have. If you find yourself struggling, do not hesitate to go to your Professor’s office hours. Office hours exist for your benefit, and if you make an appointment with your professor, they will be happy to help you with whatever material you are struggling with. 

All in all, you are about to enter some of the best years of your life. You are going to meet so many new people and experience so many fun things. As nerve wracking as the first few weeks or months can be, try to enjoy it as much as possible. Everything will eventually fall into place. Don’t place too much pressure on yourself! 

Written by: Alexa Rosenberger

Instagram: @lex.gabrielle_

Twitter: @alexagabrie11e

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