Alex Light is a 31-year-old, body positive icon hailing from London, England. After struggling from various eating disorders, Alex’s virtual platform transformed from a beauty and fashion blog, to an authentic glimpse into her personal struggles. Only her mom and...
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For years, we always longed to stay home from school, or skip a day of work. COVID is showing us that we really need to be careful what we wish for. As we have all learned, being stuck at home...
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From a young age, girls are taught to be polite, to blend in, and to fit the status quo. Be ambitious! But if you try too hard, people might think you are a bossy know-it-all. Assert yourself! But make sure...
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What a time to be alive! Mandatory social distancing, mass furloughs and job loss, global fatalities, separated families, home-schooled children, mask controversies, political insanity, racial unrest… our collective experience of sudden change is unbelievable. And when this is all over...
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2020 has been one for the history books. The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented economic, social and hygienic changes in our lives. As we have been inundated with change and isolation, many of us have become acutely aware of our mental...
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