
I wanted to go to therapy when I was only sixteen years old. I was struggling through my first heartbreak and did not know how to handle it. My friends and family were irritated that I remained heartbroken over a...
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Throughout my adolescence, I unknowingly struggled with different types of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). My OCD has mostly manifested through 4 specific subtypes, which sometimes overlap with each other. Though I wasn’t officially diagnosed with OCD until I was a...
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It’s easy to give objective advice, and tell someone “not to compare themselves to others because everyone is on their own journey.” However, as we all know, it’s very difficult to practically apply this mindset in real life. While it’s...
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We live in a world where people are trained to judge. Sometimes, we judge ourselves too, with a hyper-critical eye. I often find myself caught in this never-ending loop, especially in social situations.  Some self-critical statements that trouble my mind...
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