
Friendships can be complicated. People are inherently complicated. Some friends you’ve known since birth, and others you’ve made along the way. Over time, these friendships grow and change, oftentimes for the better, and sometimes for the worst. It’s important to...
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Aquarius: This summer will be all about self-improvement. Focus on your passions and dreams; your search for success is coming closer. Don’t be sidetracked by what you see on social media; your independence is your greatest virtue.  Taurus: Create a...
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Sometimes life can feel like being stuck in traffic on a damp school bus, your cheek pressed against foggy glass as rain plucks the pavement. I like to label this gloomy, contemplative experience the “rainy bus blues”.  When I get...
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We’ve seen it all. The inspiring artwork, moving speeches by Black activists; we’ve shared videos of injustice to raise awareness for a systemic issue, embedded deep within our nation’s history. But how do we move beyond raising awareness? How can...
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The world is changing. As the nation surges with activism, protests, and rioting, a cascade of voices flood the media. It seems like every friend, family member, and acquaintance has something to say about this unfolding narrative, for better or...
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