As the Sunday scaries settle in, the week ahead can feel like a formidable mountain. A cascade of tasks, responsibilities, and work lies ahead, as the weekend rapidly withers away. Personally, I experience the “Sunday Scaries” at about 4 p.m.; as...
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Would you ever tell your best friend she was ugly? Would you tell her she was incapable of being loved, too tall, too short, or annoying? Absolutely not! So why is it okay to talk to ourselves like that? Today,...
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In high school, every time I heard the phrase “confidence comes from within”, my blood would boil - especially when it came from rich, beautiful celebrities preaching on social media. It was so easy for them to say that;...
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The tides of history cannot be forgotten. If you glance into the past, you can plainly see the ebb and flow of anti-Semitism across an infinite timeline. Every few hundred years, the wave reaches an apex, rendering the Jewish people...
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If you are who you follow, then I’m positively confused. My Instagram and Twitter feeds are a hodgepodge of goofy memes, radical socialists, environmental activists, conservative commentators, biased news outlets, and more. Does any single account reflect a piece of...
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