
The Full Moon arrives at the sign of Leo on February 5, 2023, at 1:28 PM EST. This moon is referred to as the Snow Moon but also goes by the names Hunger Moon, Bear Moon, or Storm Moon.
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Yes, your sun sign is obviously a key indicator of who you are. It represents your ego, your truest self. Then, we have the moon, rising, Mars, Venus…there’s a lot of stuff to review, of course. But if you really wanna go deeper, you might want to dive into Decans -- a more “advanced” approach to exploring your zodiac sign. 
Sooooo if you’ve ever wondered why people born with the same sign seem different, (aside from alllll the other parts of your chart, of course), Decans can help answer a lot!
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At some point in time, I’m sure someone has asked you what your Astrological sign is. But what exactly is astrology, anyway? Simply put, astrology is a form of storytelling that interprets how the sun, stars, planets, and celestial bodies...
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