Everyone doubts themselves occasionally. It’s a part of us that makes us human! However, when a bit of self-doubt turns into feeling like a fraud, you may just have imposter syndrome. If it is not recognized and treated, it can...
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College is not an easy journey…for anyone. People don't go to college for many reasons, but finances are one of the most common barriers. In July 2020, 39 million Americans dropped out of college. While taking a break (or leaving)...
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According to National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI), more than 2.3 million Americans have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, though their website says the number of affected is even greater. So why is it still so stigmatized? Today, we’re breaking...
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We all can get stuck in a routine. With work and school occupying our time, It’s bound to happen! There are many benefits to having consistency, but one downside is life can start to feel a little blah. Thankfully, there...
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Aries: Anna Coleman from Freaky Friday This sign is daring and confident.. and could definitely be the lead guitarist in a rock band. Anna exhibits the passionate Aries attitude that we all adore! Taurus: Jane Ryan from New York Minute ...
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